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Alfred Salter Primary School



Regular school attendance is an important part of giving children the best possible start in life!
Our commitment to improving rates of attendance remains a key priority. We believe that attendance and punctuality is part of good behaviour with our aim to strive for 100% attendance and punctuality for each child. We must support all families to ensure all children are up, ready and motivated to get to school on time and to have high rates of attendance.  We believe good attendance is a whole school responsibility and your child’s class teacher will be able to help you with any queries regarding attendance. 

Our Family Support Worker will be in contact with families where school attendance is becoming an issue. They are contactable on: familysupport@alfredsalter.com 

Further guidance is available on the Southwark website: Southwark Local Offer


Our school day begins at 8.50am. Our register closes at 9.00am and children registered after 9.00am will be marked as late and be asked to be dropped off via our main school office. 

We ask families to bring their children to school on time so they do not miss the vital learning that begins in class at 8.50am. 

Punctuality issues will result in families being in contact with our Family Support Worker. 

5 Mins late every day = 3.4 days of learning lost every year
10 mins late every day = 6.9 days of learning lost every year
15 mins late every day = 10.3 days of learning lost every year
20 mins late every day = 13.8 days of learning lost every year
30 mins late every day = 20.7 days of learning lost every day