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Alfred Salter Primary School

Our Curriculum

We encourage our children to aim high and benefit from as many opportunities and experiences as possible. We make the most of our London location and learning about our local area is embedded throughout out curriculum, from Early Years up to Year 6.

Our school seeks to provide an abundance of opportunities and life experiences for each and every child: unearthing passion, nurturing talent and growing fulfilled individuals. We set high expectations for every pupil, whilst supporting those who may need an adapted curriculum.

At Alfred Salter Primary School we will:

  • Maintain a nurturing environment which prioritises the well-being of pupils and families
  • Provide a high performing culture where staff learn from each other and provide high quality education for all pupils
  • Ensure equality of access for all pupils, including providing rich experiences to compliment the curriculum and life beyond the school
  • Promote kindness, gratitude and a sense of pride in our school environment
  • Promote positivity, inclusivity, creativity and well-being
  • Be an active part of our local community

 How is our Curriculum delivered?

At Alfred Salter learning is purposeful, engaging, creative and topic based. Our local community and the wider area of London is reflected in the opportunities we provide for the children such as school trips, events, assemblies and school occasions involving families.

Skills are taught progressively across the year groups which leads to knowledge building over time. Subject leaders have produced progression documents to show how knowledge and skills are built upon over pupils’ school journey.

Through specialist teaching such as Music, Dance and Art children have the opportunity to develop skills and are encouraged to follow their interests with expert teachers guiding them through their learning journey.

Children’s achievements are celebrated through assemblies and presentations, and there are regular extra curriculum opportunities for all year groups.

 How do we know our curriculum has been successful?

The impact of our curriculum is monitored through regular assessment. The learning journey is documented in pupils’ books as well as being evidenced through photographs and videos.

Pupils’ progress is monitored through ongoing formative assessment and at three key assessment points throughout the year: one each term. Senior leaders and subject leaders monitor individual subjects: reviewing learning, carrying out pupil book studies, providing individual feedback and addressing any areas for development.

Enjoyment of the curriculum motivates pupils and promotes achievement, confidence and good behaviour. Pupils feel safe to take risks and engage in new experiences, as well as approaching challenge with a positive mindset.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through:

  • Pupil data
  • Behaviour
  • Pupil engagement
  • Pupil questionnaires
  • Parent/family questionnaires
  • Pupil voice
  • Extra-curricular registers
  • Attendance rates
  • Lesson observations

Curriculum Subjects

Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1108)

  • Art and Design
  • Design and Technology
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Latin
  • Computing
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • PSHE
  • Religious Studies
  • Science
  • Early Years Foundation Stage
  • Excellent Learning

Each week, children from Years One to Six will receive a home learning task which will show you what the children have been learning in school and will give pupils an opportunity to reinforce their learning at home. 
