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Alfred Salter Primary School

Early Words Together Coffee Morning

This term Alfred Salter Primary School is currently running The Early Words Together programme with Nursery children and their families. The sessions are aimed at parents and carers with children aged 3-5 to build their confidence in supporting their child’s communication, language and literacy skills at home.

The weekly sessions include evidence-based, fun activities focused around five top tips, to build the foundations of communication that parents can easily repeat at home. 

The Early Words Together programme is running over six weekly sessions at the school. The Nursery staff have already observed that the pupils who are taking part are now more settled and confident in the classroom and have showed real improvement in their vocabulary as well as confidence in engaging with their work and their peers.

We will be running more sessions in the future, if you would like to know more about how to take part, please speak to a member of Nursery staff.